
Insights from the SPARKFUL teams

Tips for maintaining the quality of life during working from home: regain fun using these apps

Editorial Teamplayfulwellness

Lifestyle is changing rapidly. The uncontrollable unknown due to the transformation may make you anxious. We want to let you know that you are not alone.

In Taiwan, the epidemic heats up in mid-May 2021. In order to reduce the commuting risk of our team, Fourdesire experiments with work-from-home policies for the first time, which has posed a great challenge to us. 

While transitioning to this brand new lifestyle seamlessly, the good parts are we also have more time for self-reflection, creating our own rituals, and making our work-from-home life more fun with our colleagues. 

During morning meetings, we greet each other on Slack with funny pictures. After work, we play a game called “Close Your Eyes Before It's Dark” or hold an online draw and guess competition on Gartic. In this article, we want to share some tips for maintaining the quality of life when working from home by recommending some of the team’s favorite apps to help you set the rhythm of your life at the new lifestyle.

Tip 1: Rebuild the rhythm of your life by creating a daily routine

Eating a nice meal is a must even when you are stuck at home. If you are trying to cook by yourself, try the cooking app “Home Chef” to create personal recipes and plan a daily menu easily.

記帳城市 - 美食之都

Regarding our cute expense recording app  Fortune City, some users say they only buy food and drinks while working from home, which turns their cities into the city of gastronomy.

Anxiety may affect sleep. The sleep tracking app Sleep Cycle can help you identify potential factors associated with your sleep quality by recording your sleep so that you can adjust your daytime activities.

Sleep Cycle

Let’s not forget the importance of exercise too. Walkr - our step tracking app combines galaxy adventure gameplay - some users tell us they’re motivated to continue to walk for fitness at home with the goal of 10,000 steps a day. At the same time, some have downloaded another app Active Arcade to exercise at home. It’s a great way to relieve stress by inviting friends to exercise together remotely!

Try to:

Create your personal rituals to switch different contexts. Such as changing into a tidy outfit before getting down to work, which would help to switch to concentration mode. Or doing some reading or lighting a scented candle before going to bed to create a relaxing atmosphere.

Tip 2: Steer clear of trouble and rest your mind with meditation and immersive gameplay

It’s ok to feel anxious at a time like this, just like psychologist Rollo May says, “Courage is not the absence of despair; it is, rather, the capacity to move ahead in spite of despair”.

Write down what troubles you to clear your thoughts. You can also try meditation by using the app Headspace alongside the Netflix series Headspace Guide to Meditation to communicate with your inner self. 


Headspace allows you to choose the meditation mode and duration that works for you.

Fourdesirers love the game Assemble with Care where the leading character takes players through fixing broken items and amending the relationships with her family and inner self. Through the immersive gameplay experience, you may be able to enter a peaceful state of flow. By experiencing the growth and change of the protagonist, you may be able to settle your thoughts and calm down.

Assemble with care

Try to:

Peek out of windows around the world through the website A View Outside to uncover the beauty in everyday life. You can also share the view from your window on this website.


Tip 3: Record the moment “for now” and embrace changes

Recently, our team enjoys using the app “1 Second Everyday: Video Diary” to record 1 iconic second of the day. This allows us to recap our life at a certain point of time regularly and share the moment with our family and friends.

One of our colleagues shared her experience: “It’s extremely important to use apps to motivate yourself to complete the tasks on the daily to-do list when working from home, no matter how trivial the tasks are”.  Put down anything you want to achieve in our gamified To-Do list app “To-Do Adventure”!

Try to:

 If you want to organize your work-from-home space, you can take a look at Fourdesire founder Taco’s transformation diary “A long-term battle: create a home office from scratch – my choice of equipment#WFHLog1

Stay positive and you may discover a new side of yourself during working from home. Fourdesirers have shared some tips for working from home on our IG as well. If you want to improve concentration, feel free to exchange ideas with us!

Apps for WFH

Create a daily routine

Rest your mind

Record the moment

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Editorial Team
Editorial Team
A group of creatures dedicated to cross-disciplinary thinking.
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